3 Critical Tips for Selecting the Right Flatbed Trailer

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Cars Are Fun to Drive and Maintain If you don't know how to drive or if you are afraid of opening up the hood of your car so you can tinker with the engine, you are in the right place. I started this blog because I don't want anyone to miss out on the fun of maintaining and driving their own auto. I am not a professional and I don't work in the automotive industry. However, for the past 10 years, I have been repairing and driving cars as I have travelled around Australia. I hope that the words I have written here will inspire you to get involved with your car.




Without any form of permanent roof or sides, flat top trailers have the versatility that most trailers do not offer. For instance, it is the easiest trailer to load anything on -- from construction to industrial materials -- since there are no obstructions in the way. Moreover, flatbed trailers can also be used in non-commercial activities such as hauling bikes and vehicles with relative ease. It might, therefore, explain why flatbed trailers are the preferred choice for hauling both big and small loads. However, to enjoy such versatility, you must buy the right flatbed trailer. This article highlights tips for selecting the right flatbed trailer.

1. Chequer-Plate Steel Floor -- The nature of loads that are carried on flat top trailers means that the trailers undergo a lot of abuse. Therefore, it is vital to choose a flatbed trailer with a durable surface. A trailer with a chequer-plate steel floor is arguably the best choice in as far as durability is concerned. First, the steel floor gives the trailer a flat design. Second, the design patterns on the chequer-plate steel prevent cargo from sliding across or along the trailer, thus avoiding accidents. Most importantly, however, is the fact that the type of floor finish is scratch-resistant. It means that you can load anything onto your flatbed trailer and not worry about drawing permanent scratches on the trailer. 

2. Galvanised -- It is common for one to buy a flatbed trailer that is painted for aesthetic appeal. However, a painted flatbed trailer will not offer you the protection you need regarding corrosion is concerned. It is especially the case if you consider that flat top trailers are open and exposed to the elements. Therefore, as you load cargo on a painted trailer, there's a high chance that you will scratch the top and chip the paint. Once the trailer's underbelly is exposed, then corrosion kicks in fast. Galvanised trailers, on the other hand, are not aesthetically appealing, but they last longer and keep rust at bay. Notably, you need a galvanised flat top trailers if you live in high salt regions such as the coastal cities. 

3. Trailer brakes -- Whether you need a flat top trailer with a braking system or one without depends on the weight you expect to tow as well as your truck's towing capacity. For instance, if you plan to use the trailer to haul your bike, then a trailer with a braking system is not necessary. It is because bicycles are light and will not affect the trucks braking system. However, if you are going to haul heavy equipment such as another vehicle, then you need a trailer that is fitted with brakes for enhanced braking capabilities. 

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